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Discover Our Conference Proceedings Collections

As an open-source platform for a series of potentially cutting-edge proceeding papers, the UGM Digital Press is dedicated to build public trust through strong publication ethics and societal commitment to provide an authentic and intellectually stimulating articles.

Recent Publications

Social Sciences and Humanities – 4 April 2024
The 11th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy
Social Sciences and Humanities – 17 March 2023
Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy (ICNP)
Social Sciences and Humanities – 26 March 2023
The 1st International Conference on Education, Sociology, Anthropology, and Communication (ICESAC) 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities – 7 March 2022
Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy (ICNP)
Social Sciences and Humanities – 21 October 2021
Proceeding of Non-Formal Education International Seminar 2021

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Physical Sciences and Engineering

Explore the proceedings in Digital Press Physical Sciences and Engineering. This section accommodates research papers that aim to present the practical aspects of certain theoretical hypotheses reflected through empirical approach to problem-solving, systematic methodology that guarantee the validity of research results, expert opinions, sophisticated utilization of devices in a variety of field of studies such as in physics, geography and engineering.

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Life Sciences

Digital Press Life Sciences Conference Series aims to show the constant pursuit of innovation in life sciences compels the minds of researcher to contribute their effort in exerting the practical aspects in field of studies such as veterinary medicine, forestry, agriculture and the like. Trending research comprises of socio-economic impact of agriculture science, critical evaluation in animal studies as well as achieving means of environmental sustainability

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Health Sciences

Amidst the trend in attempting to constantly provide answers in problems or phenomena in our reality for a better health condition, Digital Press Health Sciences series strive to publish a factual and applicable research result through the publication of conference proceedings from a wide arrange of field of studies such as in medicine, pharmacy, biology and the like.

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Social Sciences and Humanities

Discover a wide array of proceedings in Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, with prospective papers from prolific researchers in their respective areas. The research reports enable the demonstration of descriptive studies in current trends in the society and observation reflected through field research that gives contributive impact to the development of humanities studies.